Why Fourth Nature?
The history of the relationship between humans and nature over time is, in fact, the history of the products of human action on Nature – the history of our culture. The "Second Nature" mentioned by Cicero before Christ already referred to the changes made by humans to meet their basic needs: roads, crops, and river diversions enabled movement and sustenance.
This concept clearly indicates the existence of a First Nature, pristine and untouched, the realm of the gods. During the Renaissance, Italians such as the historian Bonfadio, who, according to scholars, was aware of Cicero's concept, made explicit a Third Nature – una Terza Natura – in which the most elaborate gardens combined technique and art with the beauty of Nature, creating splendid places for human delight.
In the current moment, unique in human history, marked by environmental crisis, pandemic, and awe at our fragility and our capacity for self-destruction, an important question merges: what is the Fourth Nature? How will this relationship between man and Nature evolve? Through the research of old books and manuscripts, seeking for “forgotten” ancestral knowledge fundamentals, as well as in contemporary thinkers arguments, the concept of what constitutes a Fourth Nature is being developed:
It is the nature that arises from a new consciousness.
A new human consciousness of self-awareness, unity, belonging, and, above all, the understanding that everything is connected and mutually influenced.
First Nature
Third Nature
"Una terza natura"
Second Nature
Fourth Nature
Despite all technological development, we must remember that WE ARE PART OF NATURE, and are therefore subject to its laws, cycles and rhythms. The basic needs of our biological body remain unchanged over time - pure air, clean water, organic food, sunlight and grounding are what keep us healthy. Today we live sick in sick cities.
Designing and building with this relationship in mind and with the aim of reconnecting us to the natural flow of life is the fundamental precept of FOURTH NATURE.

Why urban regeneration
allied to human evolution
This is a mental world. Schelling (1775-1854) saw the spirit of the world in Nature, but he also saw this spirit in human consciousness. In this sense, both physical Nature and human consciousness would be the expression of one thing. The spirit of the world must therefore be sought both in Nature and within each person.
Everything that exists was once imagined in someone’s mind. Our way of seeing the world and interacting with it is directly related to the way we see ourselves. True urban regeneration will only happen if accompanied by the evolution of human consciousness.
We are disconnected from Nature, we do not see ourselves as part of Nature, and therefore we are unable to perceive, desire and create cities that are also one of the forms of Nature.
“All external form is an expression of internal consciousness”.
With what objectives will we regenerate the cities?
As humans, endowed with unique capabilities, we play a role in co-creating our reality. This underscores the importance of urban regeneration, which must occur in tandem with human evolution. Nature is ready to initiate the necessary regeneration urgently required, but it is in our hands, or rather in our consciousness, to ignite this process.
“The intellect is not a thing, it is a relationship. Each being is the garden and the gardener of other species”. Emmanuele Coccia
"Because we, as proud children of science and reason, have made ourselves orphans of ancestral knowledge and Nature wisdom" - Deepak Chopra

"Die gefährlichste Weltanschauung
ist die Weltanschauung derer,
die die Welt nie angeschaut haben."
— Alexander von Humboldt

"The most dangerous worldview
is the view of those who have never seen the world."
“A visão de mundo mais perigosa é a visão daqueles que não viram o mundo”
How does the Fourth Nature work in practice?

The possible New Era has already started. We are the ones that believe in a positive result : a possible shift towards a heightened consciousness of interconnectedness and responsibilities, both within ourselves and with the external world. Our homes and cities are built in a way that discourages meaningful connections and lacks a sense of cosmic integration - they exist in isolation from the natural order.
This is where the Fourth Nature concept emerges, offering a path forward: declaring that planning, designing and acting must be done together with Nature forces, cycles and rhythms.
Once we put ourselves and our cities within Nature’s flow, we connect again with its intelligence - Fourth Nature regenerates cosmicity and promotes a mutual healing process - for us as evolved human beings and for Nature as life source on the planet.
From basic adequate solar orientation to a change in diet, the Fourth Nature concept unites human feelings and emotions with the highest technology developed by ourselves, aiming for our existence continuity.
The Fourth Nature brings innovative solutions to challenges through a multidisciplinary and holistic vision, where every action matters.
“Do not forget that the earth loves to feel your bare feet, do not forget that the wind likes to play with your hair.” - Says Khalil Gibran on simplicity.
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I am

Simone Back Prochnow
I am a curious being in permanent change. The desire to experience the world from different perspectives has been part of my identity since very early on and is the great catalyst for my personal and professional transformations.
Today, my professional life brings together two fronts. One of them is research, through the continuous development of the concept of "Fourth Nature", coined by me during my doctorate and representative of my study of the reconnection of the human being to nature through a new level of consciousness. The other is as a consultant for city administrations, companies, universities or professionals who want to invest in this new vision of the world and make a difference in the New Era.
I believe in the construction of an eclectic knowledge and I bring in my trajectory, in addition to Architecture and Urbanism, a degree in business administration and marketing and advertising courses, fluency in English and German, in addition to experiences abroad, especially Vienna, which I consider my second home.
I love to find resonance for my questions and findings in different areas of research and work, in different spaces of conversation. I am sure I'm not alone - and connecting with anyone who wants to be a part of this dialogue is always a priority.
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Let’s allow ourselves to be amazed again! This is Fourth Nature - the one that reconnects.

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